If you do not have access to a printer, please call us on 01224 622776 and we will send you the paperwork by post.The relevant forms and information must be with us within 5 days otherwise your application could be refused.
General information
Whether you’re a professional, a student or self-employed, we’ll need a variety of information from you including:
- Address history and proof of address
- Bank details
- Occupation and salary information
- Credit history
- Proof of ID (passport or full driving licence)
- A reference from your current landlord
Download the reservation guide to find out more.

Along with the General information, you will also need to provide us with:
- Name of course and college or university
- A letter confirming course details
- Name of college or university
- A student registration number
- Proof of living allowance received if applicable
- Details of any part-time employment
- A UK based guarantor

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